Currently the only interaction for teams are the OT Cup. While it is nice to compete against other teams, it would be very nice to have more options for the teams and their members. So we should add a stadium. How can it be built? Every team gets their team cash, one for OT Dollar and one for normal money. Now every member of the team is enabled to put as much of his personal money into the team cash as he likes. Also a fixed daily or weekly fee could be set which every member needs to pay regularly. There could be one person in the team who is assigned the “treasurer” who sets the fees. Now the team has it's own money and is enabled to spend it again. What to build? A stadium can be build and everything around it. So this could be the stand, a roof, vip rooms, different surfaces (which you need to be able to play on it), a ticket shop, a chip shop, etc. Everything in different levels, so they become better in some way. For example a better chip shop could improve the income in a home match (which goes directly back into the team cash). Maybe some things could also give a bonus in a home match. It would then be a good idea to have something which gives a bonus in away matches, maybe a bus, a jet, or something. What is it good for? This would give the team feature a new direction. It's not only the matches played in the ot cup, but also the planning of investments. Furthermore the money in the game finally has a real usage and a real advantage. What else? What items should be offered to be build and what advantages do they offer? What else could be done with the team cash? Should there be the need to keep your buildings intact so they are not degraded again after a while? Click on “like” if you want to vote for this feature and reply with any comment you have about it!
In normal circumstances I would vote for this feature, since I particularly like the concept of investing in infrastructure to increase future performance. However, I feel like before doing this for teams, we need to do it (even if at a smaller complexity) at player-level. You mention the bus, airplane and other possessions. Well, you already have all those there (as status symbols), but they are not used, when it's so simple to just make them useful.
It's just the same way you proposed for teams. Offer a small bonus in matches for players with bigger status symbols. Or decrease the training penalty after playing a match (you can recover better if you have a swimming pool instead of living in a caravan). There are a lot of directions to think about and many of them are common to what you suggested in the original post... What I am trying to emphasize is that I think it's better to bring this kind of new management dimension to the singles first, and only then think about teams.
The reason why I suggested it for teams is, that the teams are very one dimensional at the moment, even more than the singles. The team feature and the need to communicate with each other would not only give the teams more value, but the whole game in my opinion. Nevertheless I think that it's also a very nice idea to give the status symbols a real value.
This is the feature that I like the most, it will give more things us to do as a team, and it will have impact on matches. Really funny for people that enjoy a lot with their team. I am agree with Chris idea, and I would say, why not including it in the feature?
I thought about something like (talking about Chris idea of adding this to singles matches) adding the stadiums to the singles and doubles matches. For example: -(1) vs. (30) is played on Court 1 -(5) vs. (27) is played on Court 3 Like in real life, that each match is played on a different stadium if it is at the same time
What advantage should players have with your idea? If I didnt misunderestood, Chris talked about doing the same Daniel proposed but for individual action. That would mean, maybe, making status symbols impact on your progress, or resting better, losing less fitness, etc. I can't underestand the relation between that idea and yours, that is assigning every match a different court.
yes... Sounds good to me... but im agree whit Chris... If you have a bike... you need X time to going to X tournament... and if you have a plane you need X time... And that give you more time whit your trainer... something like that maybe.