The first report about the Australian Open has been published on [url:z4g2t1rj][/url:z4g2t1rj] We hope to add an Interview soon. btw. We still need some writers, espascially Spanish speaking players. There will be about one report each OT week and twice a season there´s a PDF Version with extended Interviews, Reports, Reviews and Career Reports. Tune in from time to time on [url:z4g2t1rj][/url:z4g2t1rj]to read the latest news about your favourite Game and maybe even some words about you [smiley="surprised"]ops
One post about it in suggestions, and another in Miscellaneous... Since the suggestion was already created, from now on all posts regarding the OT magazine should be posted only here ok?
Yes, that is what it is used to be, as it is not a suggestion anymore [smiley="biggrin"] Btw. Now you can vote for the OT Magazine, so vote for it to get a high ranking on the toplist.
Hi, ok. Can you "apply" by Ingame Mail? Btw. I interviewed Slawa Strauch. Till now it´s only in German but I do my best to translate it into English this week.
Loads of tournament reports are now online. Some Interviews and the French Open favourite overview. ´We´re still looking for authors of any language. To apply send me PN. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->