Mecke, We want variability in this game... now, so many player have the same training and tactics... i think that the old system training is good, because u can change the habilities that you want... so, somes players would have more hitting hardness,..others would have more quickness, or cleverness, etc,etc,etc... so this change, can help to the variability that all game online need to be fun!!!! This is a REAL change that u can make...i think that u can have "codes" of the old system training... ( i don't know much about this thing)... So many players are waiting your answers abouts this [smiley="wink"] =) Francisco Palma A player that want a fun game like before
I think that every change that could change the randomise of players winning matches, will be good for OT. The game became less competetivnes unfortunatelly and really many players have equal skills. But I think that there is some more important things to do in game like doing sth with the tournaments.
I really don't know how it works, but I would be an interesting update to change something that can impact in game playing.
I agree with mariano, training as well as tacticts should be changed. everyone uses the same system of training and everyone shares the same tactic.
i was Number One with the new system.... [smiley="wink"] ...and it's different...bcuz for example: In the season 1-3 in WImbledon NOBODY go to the if you go to the net u can win, before NOT...
Wenn man wieder auf das "alte" Training umstellt müsste man aber wieder sich was mit dem Personal überlegen. Hat man dann mehr Training zu verteilen ? usw... Ich würde das neue Training so lassen!
Anything that changes the performance of player in tournament would be exelent! Becuase everyone has the same tactic and training, so it's no longer funny :S If the tactics and trainings could change, no one would know them so it would be more competitive
Of course new items will be accepted with gratitude. It will be better if those changed are focused on tactics, tournamets (please take some ENTRYs and satelittes OUT), skills rather than colors, photos, and size buttons even though all of them means the staff is working on Onlinnetennis at least
I think most of the players that have experience in the game have the same opinion... Let's train with the old method! Though I don't know how to use it, it will be more funny that way... Just one question: how would the staff work with this method?? Hope you answer me