I am interested in how much players are offered by their Sponsor each week. Some players with worse rankings than mine get better Sponsor offers. I am interested in why? Because they play onlinetennis longer? I am 64 in the Rankings and my best weekly offer is £95,000 when I negotiate. If people want to talk about this then please say. It's interesting. And my cost of living this year has gone up its now £20,000 each week so I only really get £75,000 anyway.... I have cancelled my contract. Maybe I will get a better contract. I keep hoping. Also I think the Game should have better Bonuses and should have Sponsor offers even when a player has a contract so they can decide if they want to change. So many times On Day 3 I receive a new offer so much worse than the one I had before and I don't know why or how it's possible. I am scared to cancle contracts because I cancel to improve the offer but instead I get worse offers :/
I am of some of the worst contries(Cavo Verde, is 188 in the countries rankings) and I´m 1100 of the world ranking and the sponsor give me 38,000, it gives me a lot of money
I have the same problem, the last season I had worse ranking and the sponsors pay me much more than this season. I am 49 and the better offer was 66000.
Term of the contract: 3 seasons Basic amount (per week): 105.888$ Win of an ATP tournament: 231.850$ Win of a Challenger: 8.763$ Win of a Future: 5.224$ Win of a Trainee-Tournament: 2.438$ Win of a national Championchip: 12.676$ Satisfaction: 52%
jaja you are lucky My sponsor pays me NOW 55.000 and my ranking is 730 When I was 312 my sponsor payed me 32.000 that's nothing for my ranking!!!!
jaja that's nothing [smiley="razz"] The juaNiX [smiley="cool"] que al pedo qe estoy para poner eso no? [smiley="razz"]
Term of the contract: 2 seasons Basic amount (per week): 162.878$ Win of an ATP tournament: 144.420$ Win of a Challenger: 12.832$ Win of a Future: 6.224$ Win of a Trainee-Tournament: 1.838$ Win of a national Championchip: 12.687$ Satisfaction: 53%