I want to reach to the comunity some analysis of the game's situation. Firstly, the forum is dying slowly. The english, german and the other forums (without the spanish) are almost dead; it has 2 posts per week. The spanish forum has some life yet, because there are discussions and it has games (like "Censo de Clubes" or "Mini OT") but there is a little quantity of posts, and the majority are spam (Último post, Llegar a la página 1000, etc). This is generated because there are no mods, and there will no be never more: when you pass 1 month (i'm not sure if that is the correct time) without connecting, your account deletes automatically. That happened with the mods. So you say "Ok, but the admins can create new mods" but Admins have been deleted too! So the community and the forum is a dirt, because a less quantity of people participates and because there are no mods, so there is no control on the users. Then, the game has a lot of bugs to be solved and people has a lot of suggestions to tell! May be you think that there is no solution. But, though you don´t believe it, Mecke countinous existing. So, i propose a boicot: DON´T ASK FOR THE SUPPORTER ACCOUNT OR OT-DOLLARS Why? Because Mecke continous making money with the dreamer people that pays for the support or the OT-Dollars. So, if people stops paying him for that, he will worry, and is probably to connect. If he do that, we can ask him to fix the bugs and make real the suggestions that we want. Unless he do that, Mecke will not win more money. Tell it to all the people you can in OT and i wish that this plan like to you and i hope it succsefull.
en resumen, no garpen a ver si mecke se preocupa por el juego. no es mala, pero si despues de meses o tal vez ya cumplio mas de un año de no conectarse, no creo q justo ahora vaya a tener algun interes, al fin y al cabo tampoco fueron taaaantos los que les garparon a mecke.
Bueno, pero hay gente que le garpa y con eso se hace su buena cantidad de plata. Mecke sigue yendo al banco o sigue recibiendo en su casa el dinero o sea que sabe de la exsitencia de OT, pero no le importa porque la sigue levantando en pala.
Te recuerdo que Mecke tiene 4 juegos más (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cunningsoft.de">www.cunningsoft.de</a><!-- w -->), que uno deje de dar plata no le va a cambiar mucho.
(<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.cunningsoft.de">www.cunningsoft.de</a><!-- w -->), [smiley="wink"]
Sy ya me fijé y le mandé un mensaje. Ahora ¿vos viste la foto de OT que hay? Es como un OT renovado. La pantalla es distinta y lo mismo las opciones de arriba. Yo creo que es My Player...
Si...es el forma to RE viejo en todo caso porque yo me acuerdo de cuando habÃan imágenes y no eran asÃ.
si bldo ese es de tempo 6 x ahi xDD y de una cuenta supporter, por eso ves en lugar de la propaganda en el centro las estadisticas del jugador...