Hi, Can some tell me how to enter the OT cup. Thanks in advance for your help. Greetings, Pietje Puk Team "Altijd goed"
Hello, As far as I know, you have to create a team and it'll be included in the following year's fixture. Such fixture will be set as soon as the season starts (next season → Year 19, Week 1, Day 1) and you'll only play in weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and so on up to 30. Make sure your team is composed by at least 2 people and assign each and every one of the players a role. I hope this can help you. Best Regards, Franco Alejandro "Swing" Zalazar.
Regarding OT Cup. Are these matches considered as tournament matches (loose condition, gain money etc) or like showmatches, where nothing really happens?