ends of OT-world???

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Sławek Marel, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. 10000341

    Sławek Marel Speed Tour Active Member

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    Our favorite game ends? I dont know the statistics : (how many logs and how often) but today (speedtour ) in GS Played player with 622 position in ranking. Also we have two "bye"! I have feeling that we having half the community than ever ! New system of chats separate community...Daniel, I please you, do something! After outing boosters and individual tactics we have a lottery. People dont want this and they may out...

    What do you think about this? In the past, before Christmas we haveing special events. Who cared for players???
  2. 10035299

    Zvonimir Vlahovic Speed Tour New Member

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    Actually there where three 'byes', but one place was filled with the brand new 'wildcard system'.
    Not only that game dies, fair play dies along...
    Slawa Strauch and Sławek Marel like this.
  3. 10000341

    Sławek Marel Speed Tour Active Member

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    today in the Wimbledon final two players who played on the line...:(:(:(
    Slawa Strauch likes this.
  4. 10000018

    Slawa Strauch Speed Tour Member

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    If somebody didn't recognise, in Wimbledon happend an unbounded cheeck. D. Redwood wasn't subscribed to Wimbledon, he forgot it, but Daniel subscribed him AFTER midnight (european time), after the deadline for subscription. It is not fair, doesn't matter how much Redwood is doing for the game. He is a player like every other user and shouldn't be treated preferred. Any other user would NOT be subscribed after the deadline ends. I hope his result will be deleted and all points of this game day will be erased. This is the only acceptable consequence.

    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    Stefan Mehl and Sławek Marel like this.
  5. 10035299

    Zvonimir Vlahovic Speed Tour New Member

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    Slawa, I agree with you 100%.
    Rules are the same for all players and this a direct violation of them. What about the rights of Hartis 1st round opponent (no matter what his skill and level of play is)? What about Slawek and Matuu for example, who tought they have a solid draw, but ended up playing against a player with 95-94 skill on grass?
    This is a serious issue and it shouldn't go bye unnoted.
  6. 10035299

    Zvonimir Vlahovic Speed Tour New Member

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    As for Slawek's comment on the slow death and decay of this game, I'll give my opinion, knowing that it won't matter much (but at least maybe I'll feel better after writing it):
    I'm among newer players here, and surely there are people more invited to comment on the state of OT than me. But since my start of play in 2014, the number of active players on speed tour has dropped from cca 1000 to 400. And that is no coincidence. That's the result of game reaching a certain level, where old players don't find new challenges in the game, whilst new players are not attracted to enter the game. Who would be attracted anyway, when you have cca 80% of matches ending 6-0,6-0?
    On the top level we have say 30 players who know every bit of game system and 50 more who don't understand it that well, but they got solid trainings and tactics from the first group of players. So the only thing that can separate these 80 (or 100?) players with skill 96-99 is LUCK, or mathematical probability to be more correct.
    Hence, a game that reaches a level with so many equal players needs constant changes and improvements, that will separate the players and give them new challenges.
    Sadly, that isn't happening in OT. Since my start of play all changes where just cosmetic and didn't bring anything really new to game.
    So, as much as I like the basic concept of OT and the challenge it gave me at start, if nothing new happens in next couple of months, I'll probably be among many others that will seek their entertainment somewhere else.
    I don't like this game so much to be spending time and money on it, while most results I get are governed only by luck and not by actions I take.
  7. 10000341

    Sławek Marel Speed Tour Active Member

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    Zvonimir 100% right :cool:
    If it's true what wrote Slawa, we have terrible thing!!! I like Harti very muche- but rules for all should be the same...Maybe Daniel can also change the results in the tournament, Do you Daniel?:(:(:(
  8. 10035299

    Zvonimir Vlahovic Speed Tour New Member

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    It is definitely true. I've checked the wimbledon draw right after midnight (european time) after it came out and I'm sure Hartmut wasn't in there.
    Stefan Mehl likes this.
  9. 10020103

    Stefan Mehl Speed Tour Member

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    Hello Slawek,

    The Slava wrote what is definitely 100% true.
    Harti wrote it himself in the game chat Stihler vs Nasello the Bräunlein.


    The statements in several game cheats as German Moderator of this are Bräunlein also under all.
    I have all chats screenshots, if someone wants to see the then I can make love in here.
    Unfortunately, all of the statements, etc. in German

    Sławek Marel likes this.
  10. 10000341

    Sławek Marel Speed Tour Active Member

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    this is some misunderstanding :eek::eek::eek:
  11. 1

    Max Mustermann Classic Tour Administrator Staff Member

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    I agree with Zvonimir that the results for new players in the game are very bad as they give a feeling that it is too hard to reach a certain level. So we in fact have two groups: one group of players that know the game very well, know how to set tactics, training etc. They decide the big tournament winners on their own. And the second group of new players trying hard to find out how this game works, most of the time with very bad results.

    I can confirm that the number of active players is decreasing on both classic and speed tour since about 3 years. One thing that is not correct though is that this is because of too many users leaving the game. This number is actually very constant. There were always long term users leaving the game as in every other game. It's the number of new users that is getting lower and lower. That is caused by a lower marketing budget than it was let's say three years ago and as we said by the barrier for new users to get into the game for a longer time and stay an active user. So what I think is even more important than an improvement of the game engine (yes it can ALWAYS be improved) is an improvement of things that matter for new users: an easy to understand interface, more success in the beginning and a way to get more users into the game in the first place (social networks?). Maybe you have ideas how to tackle these issues?
    There are already some things in progress in this regard, one thing is the app that is finally in the last steps of testing (I know it took way too long) and will hopefully get as some new users by exposing Onlinetennis to a whole new audience (app store users) who were not aware of it just yet. Another thing I think could extend the user base is a better integration into social networks like facebook, which could bring (especially young) new users. And lastly the eased start into the game could be achieved by the introduction of a juniors ranking which gives new users the chance to play against other new users in more interesting tournaments without the struggle and frustration of losing against high ranked players.
    Chris Marley likes this.
  12. 10035299

    Zvonimir Vlahovic Speed Tour New Member

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    Daniel thank you for answering.
    I agree with what you've said about game needing more advertisement to get new users. Every new user, especially when he gets to top level, brings new flare to matches (at least untill others figure out his/hers tactics :) ).
    Still I don't think that a better user interface alone will improve the game as much. In my opinion the biggest issue are still numbers that enter the match calculation. I'll give an example:
    I play against my friend Jasmin, he has skill 110+94 and equip 24, I have 110+97+30. And say we have similar tactics, the match will surely end 6-1, 6-2 for me. That is very unrealistic and in my opinion is the fact the puts away most users that don't play at top level. In real tennis there is no way that a top20 player will beat a challenger level player 6-1,6-2 in 9 out of 10 matches as is the situation in ot. I don't know how this can be eliminated with current engine, but surely there can be a way (if there is will to do it).
  13. 1

    Max Mustermann Classic Tour Administrator Staff Member

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    It's not that easy to just change some values in the calculation and get perfect or way better results. In the end it's always mathematics which can never be like real sports. If you have a closer look into the forums / communities of other manager games, no matter how professional, you will find the same complaints. That does not mean that I am not willing to adjust things for the better. But there is always the risk to break things that now work well as every little factor in the calculation has far reaching influence. I often read things that I for sure do know all the perfect settings and tactics. Actually I do not! I know all the formulas (or can look them up), but I that does not mean I know what possible combination of all the factors against other users settings work well.
    And even when changing the engine I strongly believe that it's nothing that is important to gaining new users or make them play longer that let's say 2 weeks. Most users quit in the first 3 days. That's very common in browsergames, but even more problematic in Onlinetennis and I am sure that this is caused by being very unfriendly for users who don't know the game yet in many aspects (user interface, game mechanics, visuals, accesibility, etc). Evaluation issues come later, for the few users who make it through that first step. So yes, we have issues there, but more importantly we also have issues to get new users to that point.
    Francisco Salau likes this.
  14. 10026756

    Alejo Renshaw Speed Tour Member

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    I have to agree with Daniel.
    The problem of the game is actually not the number of leaving players but the deficit of newcomers.
    So how can we solve this problem?
    At first, the start for new players should be much easier.
    The idea of the mentor program was great and should be installed finally.
    Furthermore, Daniel should rethink his new chat system. At least i would propose to reincarnate
    the respective language chats that don´t have blacklists.
    So, the new players would have a clear forum to put questions and to communicate.
    Another point is that it´s very frustrating for new players that the lowest tourneys they can join in
    are mostly futures. And there are the perspectives to win equal zero.
    So it could be useful to reserve the futures for "Not-Top 100" players or sth like that.
    Or Daniel could improve the entry tourneys by e.g. allowing to play them during the first 6 months.

    Maybe you guys have some other suggestions...
  15. 136581

    Chris Marley Classic Tour Active Member

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    1. Alejo, I agree with the language chat idea. I still don't know why those chats were removed... This is an international online game which has no chat channel for the English language, the most international language of them all. WTF? This is a shame.

    I mean, if I have a question about the game now, I have no idea where to ask from the existing chat channels. I am completely confused. And I play the game for 5 years+. Imagine how confused new players are...

    2. Starting from the original posts of this thread, I think an idea would be to introduce the wildcard system, like in real life. A few spots per tournament would be reserved and occupied randomly by players who registered, but did not make the cut. So a lucky newcomer could play Wimbledon in his 3rd week. He would probably not win a point, but he will be happy.

    And just waiting and hoping for this tournament draw lottery would be something extremely interesting for both new users and more mature users who could not make it past a certain level yet, so as to play ATP tournaments legitimately.
  16. 10000018

    Slawa Strauch Speed Tour Member

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    The biggest problem for new users is SKILL TREE. It takes to long to be competitive with the big guys. There are just a few user who are willing to spent so much time and money to be able to compete with top 200 players. At this point we need an another solution. Skill tree isn't only a problem for new players, it is a problem for all players. Who is willing to spend more than 20, 50 or 100 bucks for a reset of the tree? you have just a few tries to reallocate the tree and then? We don't need the tree, but Daniel is depending of it, because its his biggist source of earnings from the game.
    Francisco Salau likes this.
  17. 10000341

    Sławek Marel Speed Tour Active Member

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    Skill tree must be, to many cash and to many time I spend to have them. Long time ago i suggest to reduce the price of reset. Maybe give three free resets on season. If Daniel remove the tree, he should back money for teachers, resets and other...OT needs deep reform, Daniel cant you see that???:eek::eek::eek:
  18. 10000052

    Matías Ledesma Speed Tour New Member

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    I noticed the start of too many "bye" in tournaments, when Daniel put more futures, Nach and Juniors, before that, most of the tournaments were full... Hope we come back to that.:)
    Joaquin Fontela likes this.
  19. 10036652

    Matthew Carlos Speed Tour New Member

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    I used to become no.300 by a season of Juniors but now i do it by doing 2 Futures. Now there is no need for Junior tournaments since you can only enter if your rank is lower then 800.
  20. 41233

    Francisco Salau Classic Tour Active Member

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    A very intersting thread and only 18 replies... :(

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