A very intersting thread and only 18 replies... :(
Speed Tour, week 21, St. Remy challenger... someone please take a look
Fixed :)
I wasn't able to acess Speed Tour all day :( Edit: All I can see is 503 Service Unavailable
I canceled my sponsor contract on day 1, week 9. But i didn't receive any offer next day...
Davis would be much better if every user would be obligated to have in OT the same nationality he has in real life
Premiação nas duplas seria uma boa!
Legal ele ter criado Copa Davis, mas do jeito que tá quase como uma OT Cup. Por sinal, as partidas serão jogadas em que piso? Pra ficar um pouco...
Gostei da ideia de dar uma mexida no jogo, principalmente se for diminuir os randoms. Também será legal se subida não rede não for sempre 100% na...
Esse reset na faixa da árvore de habilidades tem um prazo de validade?
Essa birosca ainda existe? Alguém já jogou?
Fórum OTBR ainda existe?
Qualquer derrota minha :p
Pq caralho mudaram a página inicial do jogo?
1 - In the first day - and first day only - you can play 3 showmatches. After that, you only have 1 showmatch per day 2 - No such list. Must find for...
Send an otmail - in classic tour, of course :p - to any staff. We can reset your password. Nevertheless, I will check this bug.
Hey everyone, In the next few weeks we will try to make the both tours a bit more connected, not about the game itself (they will stay...
The importance of the Negotiator ability has decreased, but who does this path in skill tre only to get the negocator? [smiley="smile"]
According to "suggest a feature", this is won't be done.
Negotiator is not useless, because if you sponsor satisfactio drops a lot, you lose the sponsor.
Separate names with a comma.