Why is that yes the gm like to do the game most really posible don´t put a qualy in the Challengers or Atps.
it can be a good idea but also it may have some problems. Cause during very importants atp tournaments like Master Series or Grand Slam , you will see almost 60% of the players, in the qualy and the rest of the tournaments (juniors, satellites, fufutres...) will be Empty.... On the other hand, there will be some realistic people that decide not to play qualy's and decide to play "empty" futures and have more probabilites to get them. Of course, i guess, that the qualy will take them, at least, one or two week apart form the tournament...depending on the number of players and OBVIOUSLY qualy don't give points...it will be a good idea i think...
but suppose there are 60 player who dont enter to the grand slam because of their ranking. The best 32 seeded player who doesnt enter play the qualy and the rest who doesnt qualify to the qualy doesnt play the tournament.
but i don´t like all the people play the qualy, i will like only 1/2 of the players that are out of the tournament.And to do that I think they have to put one more week to play the qualy
i think they should put like 20 or 30 more places for the qualy..(32 would be ok)..it should be played a week before...so it would be a dificult choice: to go for the GS qually, or for a sure tournament... however, i don´t think it should be a variable number, like half of who's enroled... for instance in the masters cup u´d hav a 200 player qualy...