
Discussion in 'Hebrew' started by Gonzalo Henríquez, May 27, 2008.

  1. 32109

    Gonzalo Henríquez Classic Tour Member

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    Well, this is the idea of this game:

    "Mini-OT" is a game that I invented in a forum (which I can't remember the name) and had a great success.

    The idea is simple, it's a mini game of OnlineTennis, in which you just have to suscribe on it to play it!

    After you suscribe, I will make the draw of the tournaments and play the correspondet matches.

    The Calendar would be the same than the OT one.

    The won't be tactics, the result will depend on the skills of each player.

    Well, that would be the idea.

    It's just to have a little bit of fun [smiley="smile"]

    There would be a Ranking and some statistics.

    A week would have 7 days and 1 round would be played each week.

    Draws are published every suterday morning.

    When the weekly update is done, the players playing first round with some skills,will keep that skills during all the tournament ( this is to make the game simpler for all)

    The matches are played at the very morning of each day, for example, the first round would be played on monday after 00:00 of the sunday (This is to make sure that I will always be online to make the draws and play the matches) or it may extend until the afternoon.

    That would be the idea of Mini-OT.

    What do you think?

    Please leave your name and your id in brackets () to suscribe


    IMPORTANT: the time is based on the ARGENTINAN time

    1- Henriquez, Gonzalo (32109)
  2. 111109

    Thomas Mecke Classic Tour New Member

    Likes Received:
    Great idea! I want to participate

    1- Henriquez, Gonzalo (32109)
    2- Mecke. Thomas (111109)
  3. 32109

    Gonzalo Henríquez Classic Tour Member

    Likes Received:
    The game is in Español forum [smiley="smile"]

    1- Henriquez, Gonzalo (32109)
    2- Rodriguez, Agustin (81711)
    3- Buczek, Julian (67795)
    4- Mundt, Matías (100168)
    5- Moren, Christian (100188)
    6- Morgade, Federico (107838)
    7- Miguens, Fermin (79362)
    8- Tremblay, Sébastien (56341)
    9- Bosc, Victor (80995)
    10- Zamukusi, Antonio (68039)
    11- Pannunzio , Ramiro (110221)
    12- Roca, Hector (84955)
    13- Alejandro, Segurado (103588)
    14- Salas, Ricardo (103223)
    15- Rojas, Daniel (86907)
    16- Fernandez, Pablo (90964)
    17- Fagandini, Pato (77909)
    18- Stefano Ritta (97701)
    19- Irañeta, Lautaro (89210)
    20- Follonier, matias (4827)
    21- Pulice, Fede (100332)
    22- Ruiz, Juan Manuel (74805)
    23- Zapico, Buke (99560)
    24- De La Barrera, Eduardo (75980)
    25- Arar, Jalil (60860)
    26- Frey,Werner-Markus (11219)
    27- Derriaste, Antonio (72333)
    28- Fallon, Manuu (99897)
    29- Scarcella, Daniel (55636)
    30- Mery, Juan Manuel (66972)
    31- Vázquez, Endika (107802)
    32- Monzon, Juan (77297)
    33- Vander, Javi (110856)
    34- Kabre, Carlos (104723)
    35- Soto Liberona, Pablo Pabl (103702)
    36- Taggliani, Nicolas (109651)
    37- Valicenti, Franco (78273)
    38- Gonzales, Alejandro (101474)
    39- Racca, Ale (78049)
    40- Aguado, Ramiro (102358)
    41- Menichelli, Mariano (74518)
    42- Ampuero, Sebastian (98199)
    43- Aleksandruk, Kevin (99782)
    44 -Mecke, Thomas (111109)
    45- Canale, Diego (89900)
    46- Vargas Estay, Fabian Martin (104290)
  4. 107240

    Jose Rizzato Classic Tour New Member

    Likes Received:
    No se si te diste cuenta pero ellos hablan ebreo!!!, y asi como nosotros no entendemos una goma de su alfabeto, ellos tampoco entienden el nuestro!!!

    Hey mecke bobo, no te hagas el verdadero mecke!!!
  5. 108290

    Santiago Spaltro Classic Tour New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jajajaja qué manga de inutiles.
  6. 111109

    Thomas Mecke Classic Tour New Member

    Likes Received:
    1- Henriquez, Gonzalo (32109)
    2- Rodriguez, Agustin (81711)
    3- Buczek, Julian (67795)
    4- Mundt, Matías (100168)
    5- Moren, Christian (100188)
    6- Morgade, Federico (107838)
    7- Miguens, Fermin (79362)
    8- Tremblay, Sébastien (56341)
    9- Bosc, Victor (80995)
    10- Zamukusi, Antonio (68039)
    11- Pannunzio , Ramiro (110221)
    12- Roca, Hector (84955)
    13- Alejandro, Segurado (103588)
    14- Salas, Ricardo (103223)
    15- Rojas, Daniel (86907)
    16- Fernandez, Pablo (90964)
    17- Fagandini, Pato (77909)
    18- Stefano Ritta (97701)
    19- Irañeta, Lautaro (89210)
    20- Follonier, matias (4827)
    21- Pulice, Fede (100332)
    22- Ruiz, Juan Manuel (74805)
    23- Zapico, Buke (99560)
    24- De La Barrera, Eduardo (75980)
    25- Arar, Jalil (60860)
    26- Frey,Werner-Markus (11219)
    27- Derriaste, Antonio (72333)
    28- Fallon, Manuu (99897)
    29- Scarcella, Daniel (55636)
    30- Mery, Juan Manuel (66972)
    31- Vázquez, Endika (107802)
    32- Monzon, Juan (77297)
    33- Vander, Javi (110856)
    34- Kabre, Carlos (104723)
    35- Soto Liberona, Pablo Pabl (103702)
    36- Taggliani, Nicolas (109651)
    37- Valicenti, Franco (78273)
    38- Gonzales, Alejandro (101474)
    39- Racca, Ale (78049)
    40- Aguado, Ramiro (102358)
    41- Menichelli, Mariano (74518)
    42- Ampuero, Sebastian (98199)
    43- Aleksandruk, Kevin (99782)
    44 -Mecke, Thomas (111109)
    45- Canale, Diego (89900)
    46- Vargas Estay, Fabian Martin (104290)
    47- Mecke, Thomas (111109)
  7. 107240

    Jose Rizzato Classic Tour New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mecke........., meckeeeeee..................

    Meckeeeeeeee..............., MMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEECCCCCCCCKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEE..................!!!!!!!!!

    MECKETREFE DE PORQUERIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. 56341

    Sébastien Tremblay Classic Tour Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    thomas mecke no es el hermano de mecke!

    es fake.
  9. 38243

    Damian Berenstein Classic Tour New Member

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  10. 82038

    Gabriel Barral Classic Tour Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    mecketrefe jaja
  11. 82636

    Rodrigo Barral Classic Tour New Member

    Likes Received:
    yo me anotooooo

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